Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Chapter 1 Evolve Eevee into Sylveon


 Today I am going to teach you how to transform your Eevee to a fairy type Sylveon. It may take some time but it’s totally worth it. Let’s get started!


 First of all you need to capture an Eevee! According to the Pokedex this pokemon is located at Route 10 (Menhir Trail) nearby Geosenge town (Picture above). It's easier to encounter it, if you walk between the set of yellow flowers. 
 The first step is to gain at least two Affection hearts at the Pokemon Amie system (Picture below). You can achieve this once you pet, feed your Eevee with Poke puffs or play with it one of the three games, which are available.  
 Afterwards, make sure your Eevee knows a fairy type move. If not level it up until it learns one (Baby doll eyes or Charm for instance). Level it up one more time and Voila! Your Eevee evolved into a Sylveon.  

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